1st pass Previs on Architecture and Layout


Blockout 2
Previz with a quick material Pass, from this point sent on to the environment art team to complete.

Final Art
After final art is recieved, set dress, atmosphere pass, lighting pass for when no gameplay is occuring in the area.

Polish Pass
Set dress, decal pass, lighting

Polish pass
Set Dress, decal pass, lighting

Polsih Pass
Terrain Pass: Landscape sculpt, paint. Set Dress of Rocks and Foliage to represent New England Island area

Polish Pass
This area I blocked out the composition of the space in blockout. Buildings were done by environment art. The pavement work (done with splines), material placement, set dress, done by me.

All terrain work, all foliage placed by hand. We had a large forest area at the northern end of the map. It was important to “sculpt” the spacing so players didnt get lost or feel that were endlessly running through the same grove.

Vista area, forced scale changes to make the world vasnish in a shorter space.


